Monday, October 26, 2009

Advice Needed . . . A dog that doesn't like Bikes

Hello All,

This is Liz, and I am writing because I need advice! We have a Rhodesian Ridgeback with a "crazy" bad habit, she hates bikes. She goes nuts, anytime someone comes by us on a bike, which is completely embarrassing. I am sure I am the lady on the walking/biking trail, with the crazy dog that people talk about. Worst of all, I make dog treats, my dogs are suppose to be extra well behaved because I am around dogs all the time, Right! WRONG, she is out of control, and I am afraid one of these days she is going to jump at someone, scare them and make them fall off their bike. It will be awful!

I looked online, to check the Dog Whisperers schedule and he is only taking cases for the next season, in Colorado Springs and Southern California. I figured if we sent in a video, we would forsure make the cut. However, we are Kansas City, so the Dog Whisperer is out. I am hoping that one of you will have words of wisdom for us . . . or be willing to ride your bike by Nati several times until she breaks her habit! Let me know if your interested!

Please help! I am afraid we might be the first family banned from the walk/bike trail! If I have met-up with any of you, I apologize now for our previous meeting and ahead of time should we meet on the trail!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Not earth shattering stuff but it may help to get her used to being around bikes.
