Friday, May 1, 2009

Bitty B!

Hey Don't Forget The Dog Fans, Liz and I would like to introduce our newest 4 legged treat eater! The one and the only.....Bitty B!

Bitty B is a 4.5 yr. old chihuahua weighing in at 10lbs and hails from Missouri. He is currently testing out our popular mutt-n-honey and vegedog treats. I've also been told that if he is extremely good and stays out of ALL fishing equipment, he will get to spend the weekend munching on some Guilty Pleasures! BOW WOW!

Bitty B will also be turning 5 on June 15th!

Happy Early Birthday Bitty B!

Also, tomorrow is the first Saturday for the Shawnee Farmers Market! Rain or shine, we would love to see you at the Don't Forget the Dog Booth!

Take care and stay dry,
